About Our Institution

Welcome to Methodist Treatment Centre

Methodist Treatment Center is located in Kaaga Sub Location of Kaaga Location, in Meru County; one Kilometer off Meru – Maua road, adjacent to MCK Kaaga Church

The goal of the center is to provide professional treatment to persons with substance use disorder and address the knowledge gap on substance use in Eastern region and beyond.

The center has two core programs namely; Inpatient treatment services and outreach and early intervention program.

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Enrolled Clients
Completed the program

Core Programs

We offer treatment to alcoholics and drug addicts including their families . Our services include Outreach Programs, in-patient treatment, out-patient treatment, Drug testing For Students and other counselling services.


Our counselors have sessions with the clients that focus on psychological issues, denial, among other issues that will help in the recovery journey.


With the help of our experienced medical practioners, Our clients are helped to detox from drugs/alchol through a delicate process which is monitered 24/7 by our team of medical specialist.

After Care

To ensure that our clients maintain the new path , we offer after care and follow up services in oreder to help in challenges they migt face after leaving the centre.

Drug testing.

We offer drug testing services for school children and also the general public. Counseling is also offered to the clients in order for them to avoid drug abuse .